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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stance on the Charter of Rights (AIDS Free World and Allies)

On May 6, 2011 AIDS Free World and Allies took its stance on the Charter of Rights to the streets.

Members of various Human Rights organizations came together and stated “No More”. The groups participated in a 20mins stand in front of Devon House where they held placards and handed out flyers to motorist, passengers and passersby sharing with each person they interacted with the need for the inclusion of sexual orientation as a grounds for non-discrimination in the Charter of Rights and Freedom.

Members such as Yvonne McCalla- Sobers from FAST (Family Against State Terrorism), Carolyn Gomes and Cristine Dalrymple from JFJ (Jamaicans for Justice) also shared the views on the ground with AIDS Free World and its Allies.

The message was echoed through the area as passengers and motorists alike tooted their horns and waved in agreement with the message being shared about the in inclusion of the Non –Discrimination and the repealing of sections 76, 77 and 79 of the Offences Against the Person Act which criminalizes consensual adult males intimacy.

AIDS Free World and its Allies would like to thank its supporters for coming out and sharing in the cause

This report was created by PNT a Jamaican Advocate.

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